SJRU Import Rule & Soliciting of Players

IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ (U10’s and above)
It is very early in the season to be having to send this email out already. But we are being made aware of a number of ‘proposed’ mass movements of players that are being tossed around for this season, that if true, will breach the Import Rule.With that in mind, it is timely that we remind all Clubs and Districts of the IMPORT RULE and the regulations on such. We have and will enforce these rules – so please don’t set kids and families up for disappointment. Ask questions of new people turning up to your club training sessions/registrations. Ignorance of the rule is not an excuse, so get on the front foot with this. Once your club has reached its maximum allowable limit of Imported Players you cannot accept any more, those players need to stay at their current club or find another club that has not already filled its Import allocation.In general, a Club may only accept the registration of a maximum of four (4) Proposed Imports in each age group. Further Clubs may only accept the registration of a maximum of two (2) Imports who are Representative Players or Development Players in each Age Group. This is included in the maximum allowed Imports of four (4).Similar rules apply to Districts, if players are coming across from other Districts – a District may have no more than a total of two (2) Representative Players, in the aggregate, join their affiliate Clubs as Imports. The District may only select two (2) of these Imports in their Representative teams.We are also hearing reports of Clubs / Districts approaching & enticing players across to their Club / District teams or Academies. This is a breach of our competition rules and offending Clubs / Districts will be dealt with under our judicial process. Please see below for the exact clauses in the rules (the full copy of the rules can be found at

SJRU policy is that players should play in their local village club and remain playing in that club for as long as is reasonably practical unless there are specific reasons why that cannot apply any longer.
Clubs should, wherever possible, form their own Teams. However, if for any reason a Club does not have enough Registered Players in an age group to form a team then the Club must make all reasonable attempts to form Joint Venture Teams with other clubs in accordance with Rule 3.12. Players are advised that:

(A) They must seek to register with a District/Club in the District in which they reside. Application for dispensation may be made to the Competition Manager. Note that for a player enrolled at a boarding school then the location of the school is deemed to be their place of residence unless they have played for the District/Club for the previous two (2) seasons.
(B) Players seeking to change Clubs may be restricted as the Import Rule prevents Clubs from registering more than four (4) Import players in aggregate in each Age Group. Further Representative Players and Development Players seeking to change Districts/Clubs may be restricted as the Import Rule limits Districts/Clubs registering more than two (2) Import Representative Players/Development Players in each Age Group.District, Club, District/Club/Team Affiliates shall not actively seek to entice players from another District or Club, and to do is considered a breach of the SJRU Registration Policy. Any District, Club, District/Club/Team Affiliate doing so should immediately be reported to the Competition Manager. Any District, Club, District/Club/Team Affiliate that knowingly entices or allows its District/Club/Team Affiliates to entice players from another District/Club may be required to show cause as to why the Offender/s should not be sent to Judiciary for further action.3.5 IMPORTS
The intention of this rule is to support the Registration Policy outlined in Rule 3.1.
(A) A Club may only accept the registration of a maximum of four (4) Proposed Imports in each age group
(B) Further Clubs may only accept the registration of a maximum of two (2) Imports who are Representative Players or Development Players in each Age Group.
This is included in the maximum allowed Imports referred to in A) above.
(C) A District may have more than a total of two (2) Representative Players, in aggregate, join their affiliate Clubs as Imports, in compliance with Competition Rule(A). The District may only select two (2) of these Imports in their Representative teams.
(D) Districts/Clubs are entirely responsible for ensuring their compliance with this rule. Clubs will provide a report based on a template from SJRU of their Proposed Import Players to the Competition Manager no later than the Wednesday prior to the first Home and Away Round of the Sunday XVs Competition. Further, Districts/Clubs must continue to monitor and report to SJRU monthly thereafter on any subsequent changes to their Proposed Imports/Imports.
(E) Prior to the start of each season the Board will establish an Import Panel. Any Clubs/District seeking dispensation from complying with Competition Rule 3.5, must do so in writing to the Import Panel via the Competition Manager. The written request must provide a detailed explanation as to why Imports in excess of this rule 3.5 can no longer play for the Club they were previously registered at, or for another Club or Joint Venture Team within their District. The Import Panel will adjudicate on applications as soon as is practical, but no later than 7 business days after receipt of the application
(F) A Proposed Import may be excluded from the requirements of Competition Rule 3.5 if any of the following apply
  1. Where a player moves Clubs/Districts in the previous season, then returns to their original Club/District in the current season
  2. Where a player was not registered with any Club/District in the previous season
  3. Where a player moves their place of residence prior to or during the rugby season and as a result changes Clubs/Districts to one nearer to their new place of residence
  4. Where there is no Team available to the player in the age group within their Club/District subject to the relevant Clubs/Districts and their Affiliates having adhered to the requirements of the SJRU Registration policy and demonstrating that they have made all reasonable efforts to form a team or a Joint Venture Team to accommodate players.
(G) In addition to the Penalties outlined in Competition Rule 3.18, a Breach of this Competition Rule 3.5 may also lead to the following sanctions.
  1. Club Team(s) and or individual Players not complying will not be eligible for Finals for up to two (2) years
  2. Individual Players not complying will not be eligible for Representative rugby for up to two (2) years.
  3. Any Club/District games where ineligible players participate will be deemed Forfeits; and
  4. Non-compliant Districts may not be eligible for the Metropolitan or State Championships.
Ben Gregory
General Manager – Sydney Junior Rugby Union